Saturday, 7 April 2012

: a handful of yarn - babystrikk

Da jeg var til svangerskapskontroll på Rikshospitalet i uke 24, ble jeg beordret sengeleie hjemme pga forkortet cervix (livmorhals). Det eneste positive med å bli tvunget til sengeleie, er at en får unnagjort en god del strikking! Og siden vi venter en lillesøster (som forhåpentlig ikke kommer førtidligst i april!), har jeg plukket ut noen skjønne plagg til vårt kommende familietilskudd.

Her er første plagg: en liten ulljakke. Det er første del av et planlagthentesett til lillesøster. Oppskriften er hentet fra boken "Strikk til Nøstebarn", men garnet er vidunerlig myke Babysilk fra Du Store Alpakka

Det var første gang jeg prøvde meg på den såkalte raglanfellingen, så dere får unnskylde litt ujevnheter her og der. Jeg syntes selve fellingen var enkel, men det var vanskelig for en selvlært amatør å skjønne hvordan armene skulle settes på rundpinnen for å bli en del av jakken, og jeg syntes også at det var veldig stramt og vrient å strikke de første radene. Jeg brukte faktisk hjelpepinner på armene de første rundene. Fikk god hjelp av en av de ansatte i Nøstebarn-butikken på Sagene i Oslo.

Jeg improviserte litt og satte i en heklet snor i stedet for den øverste knappen i jakken. Og resultatet ble da vel ikke så aller verst - for en nybegynner?

: Winter solstice

Den norske vinteren er vidunderlig vakker - og omsider kom den! Litt for sent til å bidra til en etterlengtet julestemning, men til stor glede for alle skigåere, og barna som endelig kunne ake. Selv jeg, som er gravid og må holde meg i ro, nyter synet av hvitt ut av vinduet. Og før jeg tvunget i sengeleie av legene, rakk jeg å knipse noen vinterbilder i Frognerparken. Her er noen av dem.

Vakker vintersol på vei ned bak Oslo bymuseum

Liten frøken som gleder seg over endelig å kunne løpe og base i snø!

"Jeg spiser ikke snøen, jeg bare koooser den!"

Sunday, 17 July 2011

: childhood summers - and a birthday boy!

Yesterday was one of those precious sunny summer days that we want to cling on to once they arrive and we dream of when they seem far away . We celebrated my nephew turning 3, with a lovely garden party in the shade of a huge cherry tree.

The kids had their own little table; adorable!

I love seeing my daughter and niece and nephew play and enjoy themselves, running around the garden barefoot, playing with the water hose, getting stains on their clothes -- simply and freely being children, with all that entails!
Baby Love

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

: Martha's crafts for kids

What to do on a summer's day when the weather doesn't inspire you to go for outdoorsy activities? Why not organize a little arts & crafts workshop for your kid(s)?!

Now, my Lilia loves drawing and painting, but at 2 years old she is still a little too young for most of these lovely crafts tips I found on Martha Stewart's website. I can't wait to introduce her to them, though! They all look so fun to do, it honestly brings out the child in me. Martha Stewart has the best crafts ideas, for all ages - including grown-ups! Wouldn't you just have LOVED one of those books within a book when you were little? 

Check out all the creative things you can do together with your kid(s) here.

Here a few of my favourites:

APPLE-PRINT BAG: Apples aren't just for eating.
Turn them into stamps to create graphic prints and make
a simple tote-bag or backpack simply stylish!


PAPER TOPS: Easy-to-make and great fun for the little ones!

FLIP BOOKS: Teach your kid about animation through first-hand experience! 
I remember these types of books from my childhood - loved them!
Like making your own little movie!


ORIGAMI ANIMALS: Super cute - and fun for both kid and parent.

CARD GARLAND: Easy-to-do, fun and decorative!

ENVELOPE COLLAGE: Decorative and super-duper smart way for kids to get
organized once they hit the age where they collect all kinds of bits and pieces
that might otherwise easily end up in a pile somewhere.


All photos and How-to recipes courtesy of MarthaStewart.Com

Friday, 8 July 2011

: a day in the life

Blowing soap bubbles

Drawing with Lilia after a swim
Such focus! (where does that go, when we grow up??)
Running around the park
All of a sudden we are parents to a little lady, no longer a baby!
Discovering the pond
These beauties were floating around in the water
Isn't the reflection in the water lovely?

Little wild one
Bliss ♥
I am so grateful for my little family!

♥ tonje

Wednesday, 6 July 2011

: Lazy, hazy, crazy days of Summer

Living in Norway you get used to the unpredictable weather and brief summers. You get uesd to it because you have no choice. But for the past three years or more, the summer weather in Oslo has been more than usually unstable, to say the least. I want to call it flat out schizophrenic.

During the course of a week you are almost guaranteed to experience the whole register of Mother Nature's weather range, save snow. Now, I am not writing this simply to complain. I simply want to point out the urgency and sense of duty with which any healthy, life affirming Norwegian packs their summer gear and throws himself onto a beach, pool side, lawn or similar, whenever a morning breaks accompanied by sunshine and high temperatures. Any Norwegian staying indoors on an a sunny day by choice, is filled with a sense of guilt - I promise you. We simply cannot not with an easy mind draw our curtains to block out the rays. Or nation's collective memory and common knowledge won't allow it. We might do it, but we will feel a sting of guilt.

Back to yesterday. Yesterday was a lovely, warm day - practically a normal summer's day by European standards. So my Love and I did as we have been taught: we grabbed our daughter and ran outside, having packed our bags, stuffed the stroller with blankets and towels and basic necessities for our little girl. Then we headed off to the Frognerbadet - a public outdoor swimming pool in the middle of Oslo's sculpture park.
The bottom of the pool 1

A wonderful place to go if you aren't able to get to the a beach or one of the city islands. Two pools plus one for diving in the extreme (10 metres high), surrounded by large grass areas, a kiosk, a cafeteria. Basically everything you need to enjoy the sun. And it's situated in central Oslo. Excellent!

Here are a couple of snapshots from our day:
Mastering the trick of the drinking fountain on our way through the park


Therapeutic, gorgeously turquoise water! 
The bottom of the pool 2. Am loving the reflections.

First day of vacation. As you can tell by this self-portrait, I need more than a day to get rid of my workplace's stain on my being.
Out of sorts

My happy little girl, however, is bursting with the blessed immediacy of children.
Happy camper!

In mum's hat:
Cowgirl Lilia

Here's hoping you are enjoying Lazy, hazy, crazy days of summer wherever you are! (and please send some more sunny days in our direction if you have any to spare)

♥ tonje
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